Treading Water

OK. So, my ambition to finish my manuscript and send it off ASAP was a little premature, I’ll admit. At the moment, life is so busy that I’m too preoccupied with treading water to have any energy left for personal pursuits.


I’m pleased to say that I’m genuinely grateful for all the things that are keeping me busy. Here’s what’s going on…

The Good Stuff

I adopted a delightful 2-year-old, with glorious chubby cheeks and the most mischievous grin you could ever hope to see. My days are filled with cuddles, play parks, and patiently explaining (over and over) that we do not chew Mummy’s books.

My editing business suddenly took off! Apparently everyone wrote a book during 2020 because I have never been so busy! I’m now fully booked until October, which is the first time that’s happened since I launched Acres of Ink in 2017.

I’m studying to upgrade my membership with the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders. I’ve been meaning to upgrade my membership for literal years but my time has always been stolen by other things, so it has been slow progress. I can now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I’ve been slowly gathering everything I need for Medusa Was Murdered! I’ve read so many books on mythology recently, my head may explode. The podcast is coming in Summer 2021 (and you can sign up to receive notifications here) and the wonderful Cerebral Hedonist has worked their magic to make a kick-arse logo for me. I’ll be revealing that very soon!

The Next Few Months…

As if that weren’t enough, I’m getting a puppy!

I know: mad. However, my spouse is currently at home as they took our adoption leave. We considered it and, for our circumstances, it’s best we get the fluffball now when we’re both around. This way, my spouse’s return to work will coincide with our toddler going to nursery and the puppy being old enough for formal training. Timing!

His name is Fitz, after the character FitzChivalry from Robin Hobb‘s Realm of the Elderlings series. He’s adorable and my 2-year-old can’t wait for him to come home and live with us.

But what about my book?

That’s still happening, I swear.

I’m still chipping away at it but between work and family (and, y’know, the pandemic too) it hasn’t seemed like the biggest priority right now. However, it is it still a priority. I work on it every Tuesday evening and, like my pile of ironing and the garden weeds I’ve been meaning to get rid of, eventually it will be done!

About the author:

Kim is a writer, fiction editor and content creator from the UK.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that her hair defies the laws of physics.

Published by Kim Goodacre

Children's writer and book addict.

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